Friday 4 April 2014

Roof Tiles Fixed and Bricks arrive

Went out to the block to see if they had done the roof like they said they would. To my surprise, the bricks had also been delivered, and the roof has been fixed down.

The shower base in the main bathroom has also been put in, and the plumbing has been adjusted to the plan now.


  1. I just stumbled upon your blog and read your previous posts. I must say the progress of your house is great. I’m not sure if it’s just in the picture or the area of your house is, indeed, prone to rain. However, the tile roofs are pretty resistant to harsh weather, so I guess you made a wise decision there. Not to mention that tile roofs are very low-maintenance.

    Rob Minialoff

    1. Ridiculous amount of rain here at the moment. Rained most of the weekend, and then poured down today. Was amazed to see that they have put the kitchen in today, and done the render to the front of the facade.

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